The Anticipation of Spring

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I know it won’t officially be spring until March 20th because I asked Siri and that’s what she told me. That doesn’t stop me though from looking forward to its arrival in over the top kind of way. I’m anticipating Spring in the same way that some people anticipate the start of a new year or their birthday.

First flower buds of the season

Sure, Spring will bring relief from the cold, dark Michigan winters and a new landscape of grass, leaves and flowers. But it will also be a time of huge growth and change for me personally.

First, and most importantly will be the birth of my baby girl, Bea. Our entire family is so excited for her to be here and Ace is especially excited about being able to play with his little sister when she’s born.

I’m also looking forward to getting outside with Ace more. It seems like he’s matured 5 years since last Spring and I can’t wait to see him on walks and at the park with his new knowledge, skills and vocabulary. As a precursor to the upcoming season, yesterday was unseasonably warm and Ace played outside at his Granny’s house all day. When we got home, he was adamant about going back outside. After being cooped up all Winter, there’s no way I could be mad about that. Sure I had laundry to fold and dinner to cook, but what mattered most at that moment was that I take some time to hang with my best boy on the porch while he ate his grapes. Spoiler alert: the laundry didn’t get folded last night. Oh well.

Sitting on the porch with Ace

On the work front, I’m putting in a ton of effort to get some new business ventures off the ground. I know I’m crazy to try to birth a baby and businesses at the same time, but crazier things have happened and one of my favorite bloggers, has proved to me that it’s completely possible and completely fulfilling when it’s all said and done.

Things are looking up and I’m loving the prospects for the next few months.

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