When I had to switch from trying to nurse to exclusively pumping, I felt like I had to track my output. I’d been told that when you nurse, the baby will just take as much as they need and stop when they’re full. But when I pumped, I wasn’t sure how much he would need so I just pumped non-stop. I would rather have an oversupply than ever risk running out of milk for Ace.
To help keep me on track, I started tracking the amount and frequency that I pumped. I didn’t have an app or mechanism, so I just used my Notes app on my iphone. It was really good to see my progress and to see the ounces slowly rise as I became more consistent and started to improve my milk supply.
But good Lord it was tedious. It was already to type with thumbs, but remember too that I had a newborn at the time. So I really only had one hand available at any given time. Trying to type the colons, slashes and commas and having to switch between the numbers and letters keyboards was really the worst.
So I’ve put together a simple free printable for you dear readers. It’s a simple logsheet that you can use for keeping track of all of your pumping, especially in the beginning when you’re just getting the hang of things and figuring out you and baby’s schedule.
Head over to the Free Stuff page now to pick up your free printable pumping log or nursing log.